Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Welcome Back to me?

Well, I decided it was time for full disclosure, something I have been putting off for a few days.  I would always like to paint a picture of sunshine and bliss when it comes to my retirement/gardening/canning etc.  However, such is not the case.

I have had to deal with bagworms getting into my Leland cypress, and Lorapedulum (sp?)  which both had to be cut down, a hen that won't quit brooding (trying to hatch eggs that are not fertilized) which has resulted in less eggs, and then tons of rain!

We had a tremendous amount of rain in June with a tropical storm passing by, and rainy summer season.  The rain just ruined my garden.  Everything turned soggy and yellow, and I had standing water for the first time ever in my raised beds. 

Before the rain set in, I was able to harvest some cucumbers and make some pickles for the first time ever.
But.....they didn't turn out.  They got all mushy and yuck.  I learned from this experience that you don't add boiling water to the cucumbers and then process them in boiling water.  It cooked them to mush.  Lesson learned.

I also made another batch of blueberry syrup which ended up being jelly.  The syrup wouldn't thicken.  The jelly was scrumptious though.

And last but not least, I successfully canned more jalapeno peppers.  I used a different recipe this time because the last batch was too vinegary.  Hopefully these will be better.

I may as well admit, I have gotten a bit discouraged.  No, a LOT discouraged.  I have decided that despite the failures, I am going to pick myself up, (slap myself around a little bit ✊) and keep on keeping on. 

I just wanted to let everyone know, but enough of gloom and doom.  I need to get to work to beat the summer rain storm we will probably have.  Be of good cheer....!

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