I have been away from the computer for a few days with a sick husband who had to be hospitalized. I wasn't smart enough to take my lap top computer with me.....DUH!
Well, you won't believe.....I threw the remains of a seedless watermelon in my compost pile, (like I've been taught) and guess what happened?
You guessed it. It sprouted and now I have two of the cutest little watermelons growing. I will have to research to find out how to know when to pick them. The one on the left is almost ready I think. This is the second time I have discarded seeds or melon and had them take root. I grew a watermelon outside my office door once, when I worked outside the home. It is really exciting to me.
I have to rip up and replant my garden due to all the heavy rain we've had. Everything is yellow, and I mean BRIGHT yellow from too much water. Oh well, such is life. Summer is young, and there will be plenty more veggies to be had! Looking forward to the next go round....😊
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